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2 Einträge
Big George schrieb am 20. April 2018 um 15:11
Sehr geehrten Herren, ich vermisse euch. Ihr seid meine Familie in Deutschland, meine zweite Familie. Jeden Abend denke an euch. Viel Glück und viel Spass
James Brown schrieb am 12. März 2018 um 18:42
Hey guys been way too long... I wish I was writing to my German family for better reasons. I am deeply saddened by the news of the passing of Robert. Another great man whom has left our world far to early. Please could you pass my love and prayers onto his family . We were all privileged to had had many good years with a great man. I am sure he will be watching over us with a big smile on his face. Until we meet again my brother... Lots of Love from Africa James Brown and Family.